Audio by artist bruce_waldrop

Plexi SE PCB Rock Groove

1:20 minutes (1.22 MB)

Stock PCB, Tubescreamer used on solo
Doubled rhythm track...left: G12H30, Right: Weber Blue Dog
Lead: G12H30
Sennheiser 609
Only effect is very slight delay on solo
Amp settings (rhythm and lead): Vol 2: dimed, Vol 1: 5, TMB: 4,7,6; VVR: ~70%
PRS SE with Fralin High Output unbuckers

Cascade Plexi SE, Rhythm and Lead...quick mix

1:57 minutes (1.79 MB)

PRS SE with Fralin HB
Warehouse Speakers Green Beret
Sennheiser 609
TS-9 used as moderate boost only on solo, otherwise no effects or EQ'ing.
Please excuse the sloppy playing....tried to get this done before the kids went to bed. Smile

Cascaded Plexi SE chords

0:33 minutes (518.69 KB)

Everything dimed. Closed-back cab. sennheiser on grill.
Very slight garageband reverb, nothing else.

Plexi SE PCB - Cascade option using 470k/250pF pair voltage divider before gain pot

1:18 minutes (1.2 MB)

See this thread for more info:

Rhythm Left: Warehouse Speakers Green Beret
rhythm Right: Weber Ceramic Blue Dog
lead: Blue Dog with garageband delay
no EQ, no pedals
Amp settings: TMB: 4, 6, 6; Gain: 8; Volume: 10; VVR 50%; SM57
PRS SE with Fralin High output unbuckers