Audio by artist i38

i386 Scratch Built EVJ - 5751

2:01 minutes (1.85 MB)

This is my first sound clip.
Scratch Built EVJ on turret board.
Preamp Tube: GT 5751
Power Amp Tube: Tube Doctor EL84
Master Vol: 3:00
Vol: 3:00
Single Coil
Hermida Reverb at 10:00

A little cleaner this time

0:55 minutes (858 KB)

Master: 3:00
Volume: 1:00
VVR: 1/2 power
Hermida Reverb: 8:00
EQ out front in a low "smiley face". EQ is key here. It clears up some of the mud.

This sounded more convincing when the Bitmo was installed and 5751 tube. The amp was modded much less gainey at that time. IMO the mods added more mojo than the 5751 did. Just backing off the vol and master gets pretty close to 5751 territory.

i386 Noise Test 1

0:28 minutes (435.14 KB)

259AX PT
GT 5751 Preamp Tube
JJ EL84 Power Tube

Amp is cranked to 11.
Guitar volume sweep from zero to max and back to zero.