Audio by artist kyoungstead

BigBeck's Wreck

1:39 minutes (1.52 MB)

BB's SE Wreck. 2 JJ ECC83S preamp tubes and 2 EH 6V6GT parallel power tubes. Marshall 1936 2x12 with 25 watt Greenbacks. Guitar was a Les Paul Studio, 490R & 498T pickups.


2:59 minutes (2.74 MB)

BigBeck's Wreck with backing tracks. Same amp specs as before.

BigBeck's Nasty Wench!

3:12 minutes (2.94 MB)

Here she is... Tubes used, 2 x JJ ECC83s, JJ ECC82, JJ KT77. Guitars used, Godin LG Signature and a Gibson Les Paul Studio. Speakers, Marshall 1936 with Greenbacks using the 8 ohm tap.

Wench III

2:43 minutes (2.49 MB)

Insanity in progress...

Octal 1 6SJ7-BA

2:01 minutes (1.85 MB)

Jones Octal 1 using a 6SJ7 preamp tube and a JJ KT77 power tube. Speaker is a 1x12 WGS Lead 80. Guitar is a Les Paul Studio.

Octal 1 6SJ7-T1R

1:38 minutes (1.5 MB)

Jones Octal 1 using a 6SJ7 preamp tube and a JJ KT77 power tube. Speaker is a 1x12 WGS Lead 80. Guitar is a Les Paul Studio.

Octal Fatness

1:55 minutes (1.76 MB)

All the same recording specs as the Octal One. Tubes: Sylvania 6SJ7, JJ 12AU7 & JJ KT77.

Octal Fatness + RFD

1:02 minutes (974.74 KB)

This is the Octal Fatness set to a cleanish setting then the RF Drive is clicked on after the first couple of chords.

Octal Fatness + BigEZ

0:35 minutes (551.47 KB)

This is the Octal Fatness set to a cleanish setting then the BigEZ is clicked on after the first couple of chords.

Octal Fatness Round 2

1:11 minutes (1.09 MB)

Different 6SJ7 than before and different tone settings.

Octal 1 - 6U8A preamp tube Triode + Pentode/Used GE 6V6GT

1:54 minutes (1.75 MB)

Jones Octal 1 using a 6U8A preamp tube and a used GE 6V6GT power tube. Speaker is a 1x12 WGS Lead 80. Guitar is a Les Paul Studio.

Tuned preamp.

Triode > Pentode > Power Amp.

Plexi SE + ROG Omega

0:54 minutes (841.27 KB)

Same specs as before except I put an ROG Omega in front of the amp to push the front-end.

PLexi SE Cascade Mode - NOS 6V6GT

1:59 minutes (1.82 MB)

Z_Stingray's Plexi SE schematic (I changed it a little due to parts availability), scratch build, in an experimental chassis that can run a single 6V6 or KT77, 6L6, EL34 etc. MPS PT and an Edcor OT. NOS Sylvania 6V6GT, 2 Sovtek 12AX7LPS in the preamp. Speaker is a 1x12 WGS Lead 80. Guitar is a Les Paul Studio. Monster Rock 12 ft. cord.

PLexi SE Cascade Mode - JJ KT77

1:18 minutes (1.19 MB)

Z_Stingray's Plexi SE schematic (I changed it a little due to parts availability), scratch build, in an experimental chassis that can run a single 6V6 or KT77, 6L6, EL34 etc. MPS PT and an Edcor OT. JJ KT77, 2 Sovtek 12AX7LPS in the preamp. Speaker is a 1x12 WGS Lead 80. Guitar is a Les Paul Studio. Monster Rock 12 ft. cord.