Audio by genre classic_ro

Octal 1 - 6GH8A preamp tube

1:04 minutes (1006.17 KB)

Jones Octal 1 using a 6GH8A preamp tube and a JJ KT77 power tube. Speaker is a 1x12 WGS Lead 80. Guitar is a Les Paul Studio.

Octal 1 - 6U8A preamp tube

0:46 minutes (716.37 KB)

Jones Octal 1 using a 6U8A preamp tube and a JJ KT77 power tube. Speaker is a 1x12 WGS Lead 80. Guitar is a Les Paul Studio.

Octal 1 - 6U8A preamp tube Triode + Pentode

1:52 minutes (1.71 MB)

Jones Octal 1 using a 6U8A preamp tube and a JJ KT77 power tube. Speaker is a 1x12 WGS Lead 80. Guitar is a Les Paul Studio.

Triode > Pentode > Power Amp.

Octal 1 - 6U8A preamp tube Triode + Pentode/KT77

2:01 minutes (1.86 MB)

Jones Octal 1 using a 6U8A preamp tube and a JJ KT77 power tube. Speaker is a 1x12 WGS Lead 80. Guitar is a Les Paul Studio.

Tuned preamp.

Triode > Pentode > Power Amp.