Audio by title modded_vj_drop_d_h

Marshallized EVJ, TS-9, CF ON, humbuckers

2:56 minutes (3.37 MB)

This is my Reverend Charger with stock humbuckers. Conjunctive filter ON, VVR at about 10 o'clock, Amp volume dimed, tweed tone at 2 o'clock. Closed-back 1x12 cab with Hellatone 30. SM-57 about 2" off grill, 2" off axis.
TS-9 gain = 9 o'clock, tone = noon, level = noon. TS-9 is on entire time.
recorded with gearbox delay and reverb. Very light compression. Nothing else.
Sorry for the droning background. I was lazy putting together the drums and bass I just whipped together some Garageband loops real quick and jammed over the top.
I turn the guitar volume down towards the end.