Audio by year 20

Nasty Wench Part 2

1:06 minutes (2.01 MB)

Tubes: 2 x JJ ECC83s, JJ KT77. Guitars: No-name $60 Strat copy, Godin Solidac, Gibson Les Paul Studio. Speakers: Marshall 1936 w/Greenbacks.
This is basically my take on the Good Girl with two parallel preamp tubes. The second tube has separate cathode resistors and bypass caps set to different values. V1 = 47k load resistor, 820R cathode, 2.2uF bypass cap. V2 = 51k load resistor, 1.5k cathode, 3.3uF bypass cap, 680r cathode, 1uF bypass cap. I wanted to post this clip as a baseline before adding the third preamp tube back in. Thanks.

Marshallized Vjr

2:34 minutes (2.35 MB)

Not sure what the backing track is...a buddy emailed it to me to add a guitar part to.

Excuse the sloppiness and rough mix...this was simply a test to see that we could do this back and forth. I just plugged in, turned on, hit record, and started noodling.

Marshall modded Vjr cranked, pushed with a homebrew modified TS, close mic'd w/SM57. Les Paul w/PAFs. No EQ added. Room verb and delay only. Speaker is a G12H100 in a small Lopo 1x12 cabinet.

Octal 1 - 6GH8A preamp tube

1:04 minutes (1006.17 KB)

Jones Octal 1 using a 6GH8A preamp tube and a JJ KT77 power tube. Speaker is a 1x12 WGS Lead 80. Guitar is a Les Paul Studio.

Octal 1 - 6U8A preamp tube

0:46 minutes (716.37 KB)

Jones Octal 1 using a 6U8A preamp tube and a JJ KT77 power tube. Speaker is a 1x12 WGS Lead 80. Guitar is a Les Paul Studio.

Octal 1 - 6U8A preamp tube Triode + Pentode

1:52 minutes (1.71 MB)

Jones Octal 1 using a 6U8A preamp tube and a JJ KT77 power tube. Speaker is a 1x12 WGS Lead 80. Guitar is a Les Paul Studio.

Triode > Pentode > Power Amp.

Octal 1 - 6U8A preamp tube Triode + Pentode/KT77

2:01 minutes (1.86 MB)

Jones Octal 1 using a 6U8A preamp tube and a JJ KT77 power tube. Speaker is a 1x12 WGS Lead 80. Guitar is a Les Paul Studio.

Tuned preamp.

Triode > Pentode > Power Amp.