If you were active and posting on 18watt.com before May 2007, your user ID and password from 18watt.com should work on this web site. Please try that first before signing up as a new user. New users should sign up here.

If you are having problems logging in, delete the cookies in your browser for the following domain names: 45watt.com, ppwatt.com, sewatt.com, wattkins.com and tubeface.com


Welcome to sewatt.com!

Access to the forums is currently restricted to members who are logged in.

sewatt.com is part of Wattkins Amp Forums which consists of four different web sites with common log-on credentials (your login information works on all four web sites):

  1. sewatt.com
    You are here! This is the home of all kinds of single-ended tube (valve) guitar amp building and discussions! It is also the home of the largest collection of Valve Junior mods on the planet.

  3. 45watt.com
    This is the home of all kinds of JTM45-type & Bassman tube (valve) guitar amp building and discussions!

  5. ppwatt.com
    This is the home of all kinds of push-pull tube (valve) guitar amp building and discussions!

  7. tubeface.com
    This is our online store where we sell custom parts for forum projects.

  9. wattkins.com
    This web site is for general guitar amp and instrument building discussions as well as the community center! This is the place just to hang out with other guitar amp and instrument builders.

Also, please check out our good friends over at 18watt.com.