
PLexi SE Cascade Mode - JJ KT77

1:18 minutes (1.19 MB)

Z_Stingray's Plexi SE schematic (I changed it a little due to parts availability), scratch build, in an experimental chassis that can run a single 6V6 or KT77, 6L6, EL34 etc. MPS PT and an Edcor OT. JJ KT77, 2 Sovtek 12AX7LPS in the preamp. Speaker is a 1x12 WGS Lead 80. Guitar is a Les Paul Studio. Monster Rock 12 ft. cord.

Baby Will /Geezer

0:54 minutes (529.89 KB)

Baby Will dirty

0:41 minutes (402.08 KB)

testing with Strat

Zenrad's EVJ

0:47 minutes (1.09 MB)

The first bit is with the volume dimed. You can hear the harsh quality of the distorted tone.
The second bit is with the volume at around 1:00.
The tone knob is at noon.

Guitar is a G&L Broadcaster, bridge pickup, treble up full. Cab is a stock Marshall 1936 2x12 recorded with an SM57 12" from one speaker.

i386 Noise Test 1

0:28 minutes (435.14 KB)

259AX PT
GT 5751 Preamp Tube
JJ EL84 Power Tube

Amp is cranked to 11.
Guitar volume sweep from zero to max and back to zero.


0:28 minutes (435.14 KB)

The clip starts with the pickup selector in the bridge position, then one click toward the neck position, then back to the bridge.

NFB Cut bridge

0:17 minutes (274.5 KB)

NFB Cut neck

0:15 minutes (239.25 KB)

NFB Uncut bridge

0:13 minutes (211.13 KB)

NFB Uncut neck

0:19 minutes (298.13 KB)

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